I haven't stepped into KL Pac in ages. So when i found out about this Wicked Wizards show, i jumped to it. This supposedly creepy but funny wizards from Britain(critically acclaimed it seems), surely it was a good time to support the arts industry and buy some tickets.
Needless to say, even with own bought tickets, we were late, having lost our way to KL Pac. It seems after asking a dozen of people (around the neighbourhood where we were lost) where KL Pac is, nobody really knows. Some pretended to know and some didn't even cover that they have never heard of the place before.
Upon reaching KL Pac, and having to walk abit of distance, in we were in mid show of a dude from the audience who kept jumping out of the chair as if there were some electricity shocks. I wont go into the exact details of all the stunts, but they were all hilarious, very creatively disillusioned and unpredictable to say the least.
Sad to say, the theater was quite empty this Friday night (13th march09) . And there was alot of audience participant needed so every time the wizards came to pick to someone in the audience. I felt unnecessary STRESS of screaming in my head "Please don't pick meeee!!" and inadvertently trying very hard not to make any eye contact! Fortunately there were alot of sporting people........but the real finale was the the finale itself.
When it came to the finale, the final pick of audience participation, they picked a guy....and i whispered to my partner - "you should have volunteered so you could experience the illusion of magic and tell me about it".........only to say back about 15 minutes later "Thank god you weren't picked!"..... the last stunt saw the guy half naked and i swear the look on his face when he realised ......PRICELESS.
Worth every ringgitsss :)
p/s: Maybe the reason there wasnt much of crowd was the fact that it was Friday the 13th? OOooOOooO
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