Thursday, April 30, 2009

60 Earth Hour - walk of hope - 28th April @ capsquare

There was a big hype this year on the 60 earth hour - which so called started in Sydney and blah blah blah (google if you need the historical background :P) - all to draw attention to climate change. One hour to switch off all non-quintessential lights. I think the message got quite a few people it just the lights or everything that uses electricity. So many rumors and people talking; this TV or radio station supposed to close their transmission and stuff (though i don't think it happened). People looking at having candlelight dinner at home but still needed the aircond on. Or .....people looking at going to capsquare for the Walk of Hope. All in the believe for the hope of a brighter and greener world to live in.

I am never one who participates in this kind of event thingy. But I had hope. Though hope for what, now that is a different matter all together ;) So I decided to go.....

It was said it was suppose to be a 30min walk. And i thought great time to get a workout for a good cause. So there i was dressed in sneakers and shorts. We were quite early....lotsa celebrities around doing the PR thing but never really sure exactly what their role was. Lots of people, some foreigners, some families and quite alot of girls wearing high heels.?? Left me to ponder how they were going to walk.......with hope they atleast look taller?

Waiting for the walk to happen itself was torture. Sure there was some entertainment but it didn't interest me and i was surely getting very restless. And this clearly reminded me why i never do these things.....

But when the walk started, it was such a buzz. A brass band in Scottish outfits led everyone and you could really feel the excitement. Suddenly it seemed that there were a million things happening at once but yet for the same purpose. People chatting noisily, live interviews going on, music from the band, footsteps running to get in line and kids laughing everywhere. Roads were cleared off for the walk and it was shown live of TV.

But after few minutes into the walk..... it dawned on me that "the walk of hope."...was a walk around the block.

Err..... it took me 10mins, tops.

P/s: ANTI-climax. But a great idea and great cause. Let's HOPE for greater things to come.

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